Which NNAT level is taken for 2nd grade entry?

Students seeking placement in gifted and talented programs in the second grade take the NNAT Level C. The NNAT Level C is designed to provide a nonverbal measurement of general ability and reasoning skills. There is a total of 48 questions on the NNAT Level C for second grade entry. Understanding the content and the format of the NNAT is essential and will allow students to perform to the best of their ability on test day.

Learn more about gifted testing in your school district.

What types of questions are on the NNAT Level C?

The Level C NNAT (second grade) includes four types of questions: Pattern Completion, Reasoning by Analogy, Serial Reasoning, and Spatial Visualization

  • Pattern Completion: These questions present a large picture of geometric shapes from which a part was taken out.
    The answer choices present different parts that might fit the missing part. The student must choose the correct part that is missing from the large picture.

  • Reasoning by Analogy: The student is presented with four boxes, two on the top row and two on the bottom row. Three of the boxes is filled with geometric shapes and the other box is empty. The empty box is in the bottom row. The boxes on the top row go together in a special way. The student must choose a box from the answer choices that will go in the same way with the box on the bottom row.

  • Serial Reasoning: In this kind of questions you get a matrix comprised of boxes. Each box has different geometric shapes in it and there is a relationship between the boxes across the rows and down the columns. One of the boxes will be empty and the student must choose the correct answer choice that will fit to the analogous reasoning.

  • Spatial Visualization: Questions of this sort require mental manipulation of shapes. The student is presented with a matrix comprised of boxes that are filled with geometric shapes, except for one box that remains empty. The boxes rows, columns or both are a series of manipulations that happen on the shapes inside of the boxes. The student must use logic to determine which answer choice could match the pattern and go into the empty box.
Level Grade Pattern Completion Reasoning by Analogy Serial Reasoning Spatial Visualization
A Kindergarten    
B Grade 1  
C Grade 2
D Grades 3-4
E Grades 5-6
F Grades 7-9  
G Grades 10-12  

Try a Free Level C NNAT (2nd Grade) Test

Have your child begin practicing today with a free NNAT test (second grade level)!  
Our free sample test gives your child the ability to experience with different kinds of questions that are common in NNAT Level C test. When the sample test is over, you will receive a personalized score report at the end of the test. In addition, you will be able to click the questions and get a detailed explanation. 

Practice for the NNAT 2nd Grade with TestPrep-Online

Keeping a second-grader focused enough to study can be a challenge. Luckily, TestPrep-Online's practice packs are designed to suit children of a variety of ages. Our NNAT Practice Pack for second grade covers the information necessary to understand the exam, as well as several practice questions to help simulate exam conditions.

When you purchase our package you will gain access to three full-length NNAT Level C tests, drills that are divided by subjects, Parent Manual and a Study Guide for Kids. Our Premium Package includes 5 videos that explain different kinds of questions in detail. All of those designed to help your child get ready as best as possible!

Recommendations For Using Our Package

Reading our Kids' Study Guide and Parent Manual will help you familiarize with the NNAT test and the kinds of questions that are suitable to this test. 

In addition, our packages include several drills. Each drill deals with a different type of questions that can be found on the NNAT test. The drills are meant to help your child understand each subject thoroughly. 

When your child feels ready and want to see how you handle a real NNAT test, you can take three full-length NNAT Level C tests. These tests are meant to simulate the actual test as best as possible. After each test you will receive a report that shows your score. Each report shows which questions your child got correct or wrong. 

Review your studying! Both tests and drills give you access to detailed explanation for each question. If you got a question wrong, read the explanation and figure out what the mistake was. If you got a question correct, you can also read the explanation to learn new methods of question-solving.

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